16th April 2011 Notes: Processing the March 7th Gustavo Picture of Elenin

Gustavo image of Elenin

Gustavo Muler took the picture of Comet Elenin shown on the left on March 7th.In the picture we see the tail of the comet extending for one minute of arc at an angle of  2.75°. If you are good at maths you might be able to solve the triangle and work out how long the tail is.

We decided to have a further look at this picture and process it to try and  get some extra detail out of the Gustavo Muler picture of Comet Elenin.

It was a little difficult because there is a lot of noise in the background, this picture apparently coming from a video. So out first step was to remove the background noise to try and come up with the comet image itself in the foreground.

But we came up with a result below which is pretty interesting.

The image below was processed by sydneystargazers.com

Elenin 7th March Processed (Click to enlarge)

~ by sydneystargazers on April 16, 2011.

4 Responses to “16th April 2011 Notes: Processing the March 7th Gustavo Picture of Elenin”

  1. Excellent … looks really nice here is what we came up with … at first http://xa.yimg.com/kq/groups/31007477/sn/1205462251/name/Snap_2011_04_08_15h47m06s_010.jpg


  2. From the invitation found in the 16th April 2011 Notes to determine the length of the tail on 7 March:

    I have struggled through the math and if I have the geometry correct the length of the 1″ tail is 9 x 10^7 kilometers. I had calculated this on a 0.1″ long tail and had to revise my length by a factor of 10.

    I don’t have any peers with whom to discuss the analysis. If there is anyone who would like to see it please let me know. I can send a pdf file, and it would be appreciated.

    Thank you all.

    Charley Langley

  3. Blush! When I realized that I had uses a 0.1′ arc lenght and after I emailed my last posting I went back for the umteenth time and found more than one error. My updated length of Elenin’s tail for 7 March is 1.6 x 10^6 kilometers.

    Charley (hang dog look) Langley

  4. Charley C Langley Jr

    Please send me a copy of the PDF … my friends would love to see it 🙂
